Suche Bell Northstar oder Northwind

13.03.2024 20:52
avatar  ennor
#1 Suche Bell Northstar oder Northwind

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Bell Northstar oder Northwind mit Holztrimm.

Bitte einfach schreiben ich melde mich umgehend.

Vielen Dank!


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28.03.2024 21:21
avatar  lennart
#2 RE: Suche Bell Northstar oder Northwind

It's time for someone else to take over the guardianship of this beautiful and very rare canoe. The David Yost designed original Bell Canoe Works Northwind in Royalex tracks beautifully. It is a great tripping boat for tandem paddlers. The condition is almost faultless. It has always been stored inside and regularly 303'd and the wood oiled. The skid plates are original and factory fitted. I have replaced the original centre seat with a carrying thwart and kneeling thwart but a have it if you'd like it returned to it's original setup. I'm keen to see this go to a home where it will be well used and loved.

from gary rice on :
1900 pounds
I think a bit pricey and far , but I can not know how much you want one


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18.04.2024 05:15
avatar  ennor
#3 RE: Suche Bell Northstar oder Northwind

Ich bin immer noch auf der Suche.
Wenn' jemand sich verändern möchte,
einfach melden.

Grüße Enno


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