Help with tail in the roe area

20.11.2017 10:04
avatar  Williamhawk ( gelöscht )
#1 Help with tail in the roe area
Williamhawk ( gelöscht )

Have this year seen a group that is ally to the bredasjoen high,
I can not imagine that back there again.
The question arises to me where are the long ones?
Have a look and rausgesucht a rod ...
Maybe one has already done or can say something about it?
So rogen-Bredasjoen-lasjoen-stor vandsjoen-groetsjoen-klacken-hävlingen-särsjön and then continue over the small
lakes to river / Bach storän and down to the first village hällsjöfors.
Many Portagen that is clear .. but possibly worthwhile ....
Thank you

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

whiteboard animation


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20.11.2017 10:34 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.11.2017 10:37)
avatar  MrDick
#2 RE: Help with tail in the roe area

I see what you are doing here.

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